1. My initial thought when I saw "Kitty" laying how he was, was how ironic that he chose to lay on that book (The Bible). I don't have the superstitions regarding black cats that others have, but some think black cats bring bad luck or some other form of evil. The fact that he chose to lay on this book just made me giggle!
2. Kitty, which is my oldest cat, is pure black with bright green eyes. He has been my best friend for years and you can see the sweetness and love in his gaze. In the picture he is laying on the bottom shelf of my over-stuffed book shelf, on top of my Grandpa's copy of the Bible, which I used to read from every Christmas Eve. When he passed away he gave it to me. Kitty looks right at home no matter what he is laying on!!
3. The color quality of the picture is a little on the dark side, as far as contrast goes. Kitty is pretty much the only thing in real focus. The book shelf is against a wall in my living room by the door in my apartment. Hopefully I will have a bigger one with more room for my book collection!
4. The only story I can think that this would represent is the one I mentioned above. How this picture is ironic in that a black male cat is laying on top of the Bible.
5. Some of the artwork that I found by Kathe Kollwitz seems to show that she emphasizes a lot on emotion and feelings. Although others may not be able to see Kitty's emotions, I have known him his whole life and he is my feline soul mate. In this photo he looks very in tune with himself (maybe that's because he just got done watching me do yoga!), but also worried. They say your pets tend to take on your characteristics as your time together grows, I always looks like this when I'm worried... I wish I knew what he was worried about!
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