1. Looking at this photo, the clouds are impecible! To me, these clouds represent saddness. Sometimes you look at a photo and your point of intrest has a very powerful overcoming of your emotions. In this particular photo, to me, it brings saddness, being alone, and a grim future.
2. This photo was taken on campuse at the bridge crossing by Sheridan Hall. I layed on the ground and pointed my camera up, and was suppose to focus on the red of the stop light only, but I hit the capture to late. So there is only a tiny bit of red in the photo, the rest is black and white. The clouds are so powerful in their shape, and even their color!
3. This picture has very detailed lines, as well as lines that brush into eachother with shading. The detail of the clouds, again, is amazing.
4. "Signs" was taken on a day that unfortunately I was feeling very down. Apparently my emotions show through my work!
5. Honore Daumier’s drawings, or the ones I looked at, show a lot of emotion. Some of the work their was humor, remorse, lonliness, and fright. I liked the drawings with the deeper emotions of saddness, or remorse.
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