Thursday, April 19, 2012

Project 4
Nature/News - January 2012
Totally drug-resistant TB emerges in India

C. While tuberculosis in India, Italy, or Iran doesn't directly effect me, the cause of it being drug resistant does. The US believes in a "pill for every ill" and the pharmaceutical companies say that good health makes a lot of "cents" not "dollars". So by doctors and pharmacists alike pushing people to take synthetic drugs for every little thing, we are developing a "super bug" in bacteria that will one day not be killed by antibiotics. Much like the TB outbreak overseas.

D. People outside of my community are effected just the same. Every where you look people are taking the first doctors word for what is wrong with them and what drug they should take. When in reality, doctors specialize in disease, NOT prescriptions... If people were able to educate themselves on all the natural ways to heal the body and even prevent it from falling ill, the world would be a lot healthier and there would be no scare of a "super bug".

E. Even though I feel EXTREMELY PASSIONATE against chemicals and synthetics that are just mimicking the real, natural herb which would do a lot better to combat whatever the illness is, there are some good things that modern medicine and pushed synthetics can do. Natural health is a great preventative measure and in most cases can cure or alleviate the actual illness. However, in dire emergency, Western Medicine is reliable... For the most part. :)

My artist: Alexis Duque

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